"The most wasted of all days is one without laughter."

E.E. Cummings

Monday, January 10, 2011

Welcome into my home

Hello, my name is Gerri and this is my first attempt at writing a blog.  It seems a little overwhelming just trying to figure out all the aspects of putting this thing together.  I can only hope that in the end I will have created a place that people feel comfortable going and walk away with a sense of friendship and love.  I am a wife, mother, and grandmother of 9 beautiful grandchildren.  One of my very favorite things to do is writing.  I have been writing since I was 8, which is a very long time ago.  Mostly back then they were letters to God (which my mother still has saved), and poems.  Now I love to write affirmations because I truly believe in the “power of words” and how when applied with positive energy creates powerful transformations.  Each day I will post a new affirmation that I have written.  They cover a wide scope of topics so stop by and see if one is talking just to you.  I am also hoping each day to include items like a favorite recipe I’ve found and open it up to anyone who would like to share as well.  There is a section also for prayer request.  This one is very special and dear to me.  For over 40 years I have kept journals of individual’s names that have requested prayers for themselves or loved ones.  There are names of Military Soldiers who are still fighting in the war and those whom have lost their lives.  There are names of people sick or those whom have already crossed over to a better place.  Missing children or adults, individuals struggling with addictions, the list is very diverse.  Everyone deserves to be remembered and this is my way of honoring them.  So if you have a name that you would like to share, I would be honored to place it in my journal along with the others as a daily prayer.  You will notice on my site that there is also a section called “Prayer Tree”.  This is another of my favorite things.  I have a real prayer tree in my home and ribbons are attached representing an intention request.  Some have been placed on the branches by the individual themselves that have come to my home and others I have placed in their absence.  In today’s world with all that is going on with the economy, faith must have outlets to stay alive.  It seems hope has been beating down by all the silent cries that have gone unheard.  We need to restore Hope to its rightful place.  To let it be a beacon, a shining light that leads us to experience Peace again not only in our homes but within our hearts.  I can only promise that within my blog I will try my best to always write from the heart and deliver it to you in love.    


  1. Great start Mom! So glad that you are blogging because I know that you will encourage so many people. Love you so much:)
