"The most wasted of all days is one without laughter."

E.E. Cummings

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


When I first decided to start this blog, I went to scan all my old writings to find a starting point.  I thought I found a few items I wanted to use so I copied them from my computer and went to paste them on a separate sheet of paper, but to my surprise instead of what I copied these words appeared in their place.
“Dear God, praying that all who read this feel the embrace of your arms around them see your grace surround them; have no worries for they know they are loved!”
These lines were nowhere on the documents I was trying to copied from.  So I went back to my original document, opened it up, scanned  for the paragraph I wanted, recopied it, went bent back to repast it and boom, those two lines above appeared again.  Nowhere was my intended paragraph.  So I am taking it from a higher source that this is how my blog must start each day.  I can see that his hand is in control and not mine.  So I will follow where he leads knowing that I am only a servant of the Lords.
I want to spend just a minute on Affirmations. I don’t know how many of you know a lot about Affirmations but I would like to give you my explanation and why I believe they are so important in our lives.  They are an assortment of positive words arranged to encourage, support and address major issues in our lives.   I like to call them a dose of potent medicine that enters the mind and immediately administers order for change.  They work systematically filtering out negative input from past and present beliefs and images.  They begin a reprogramming process where strong, confident, harmonious words and images begin to restore hope and faith.  New visions begin to emerge lighting the way for success and wholeness to flourish and grow.  Through the constant use of affirmations you allow the words to visualize and reproduce in reality what the heart truly desires.  Change can and will occur if the recipient is truly willing to believe to receive.
I personally have a few that I find speaks to me and they are placed around my home in places that I see or use all the time.  Every time I open the refrigerator there is an affirmation that I repeat, so you can imagine that this one gets said quite frequently.  I also have one taped on my bathroom mirror so every morning and evening I remember to say these.  Have I seen a change?  Believe it or not yes.  The one on my refrigerator goes like this:   As I said yesterday I will be posting an Affirmation Daily on my blog, you can write your own if you choose.  Place them around where you will have the opportunity to repeat them.  Remember that you have literally years of reprogramming.  So don’t get discouraged just believe.  This is the year for great transformations to occur.  Great changes are already starting to come, open your heart and be a willing recipient.  Open your mind and explore new frontiers.
Food is always plentiful in my home for God provides all that I need. Money is always abundant in my accounts. God’s wealth and abundance is constantly pouring down on me addressing all my financial needs moment by moment. I surrender all my wants and needs unto the Lord knowing that at all times God provides without hesitation. I fear nothing for I dwell in the goodness of the Lord.

My husband is a Painting Contractor and work right now is very, very slow.  So when that happens so is money.  But God has always provided for us money for food.  Somehow thank God we keep surviving.    Somehow something shows up at the right time to get us through.  So if I spend a moment everyday repeating words that offer me encouragement why would I choose to ignore this.


  1. Well said! I am liking the pasta recipe from today too so I might have to make that sometime:) xoxo
